About Us
Andrew Richards

- First and foremost, I am a Christian. I believe the Bible is the only true word of God. I believe Jesus came and died for our sins. I believe through his freely given grace that we can receive salvation. I may not have all the answers and I know I fail daily but Jesus forgives and loves me despite my shortcomings.

- My love for antiques, old cars and history really began at a young age. My grandfather on my mothers side, Pa, taught me to appreciate the stories behind the antiques. I heard many stories of his past, working in dairies in Western NC to serving our country. He taught me to be kind to everyone I meet and to listen more than I speak. Pa always loved the idea of my little business and he is the namesake behind the 'Walker' name. I miss him daily.

- My grandfather on my fathers side, Grandad, has taught me how to fix anything old. He is a walking encyclopedia and goes out of his way to help anyone in need. Grandad never knows what I am going to buy next but he is always there to help drag home a trailer full of parts.

- My father is mostly the reason behind the love of old cars. He always tells others that he has 'created a monster' because he never knows what I am going to bring home.

- My hope is that I can do my part in rescuing and preserving the history around me for the next generation. My job is to find the antiques, old cars, or parts and get them into the hands of people that will enjoy them. I try not to charge "antique store" prices and I am continually learning more daily